Monday, October 20, 2008

Time, Discipline, and a quiet room.

Hey guys! Ok, I'm going to take a break from talking about Auburn's football season (even though I will probably post about this Thursday's game against WVU) and talk about another "sport." This "sport" is bible quizzing. Yes, I said bible quizzing. It's not like football, basketball, or any other sport for that matter, this is a sport that requires hours of study and memorization. Each year we are given a book/books of the Bible to study, and every month we spend a Saturday at a quiz competing with other teams from across the state. And, if your team is good enough, you might quiz with teams from your region, or teams from across the nation! But it is not easy, quizzing requires a lot of effort. If anything, quizzing requires time, discipline, and a quiet room. These things are important to the success of a quizzer. Time is required because how much material there is. Discipline, to focus on what you are studying. And a quiet room, just in case God has something to tell you. And one more thing, this is probably the most important, quizzing requires a desire to study God's Word. Without this, it is all pointless, we would just be reading the Word and not reaping the benefits from drawing close to God. Sure, you might win District finals, and maybe go on to regionals and nationals, but if you don't learn anything from it, where is the point? Well, that's all for this post. See you guys later!!  


Cassandra said...

So... how much have you memorized?


Daniel Brower said...

very deep, very profound, very thought provoking, ok who are you and what have you done with my brother


Daniel Brower said...

Not a whole lot :P Still working on the geneology.

johnnybrower said...

sounds tough!
i'm not a good memorizer.
welcome to the blogging world dan!